Saturday, June 25

Music Camp

I had a wonderful time at Music Camp. :) I do believe it was better than last years. And sleeping in the dorms is always boring right? yeah. uh-huh. was NOT true this time. hahaha I had SO much fun, staying up late, and getting a tad toooo hyper sometimes. Right Haley(sp?), Hannah, Adriel (sp?), and Hanna? HAHAHAHA. sorry. anyways. sneak preview at the end of this post of whats comin' sometime this week, and some pictures of Music Camp. So enjoy! (More of the pictures will be on Facebook. I don't feel like posting ALL of them on here!)
 Monika playing piano during one of our breaks.

 The Question Box for our Candle light Discussion later that night.

 Steven playing Violin for us to sing along with outside at the Chapel.

 Wendy conducting our song, I believe it was "Church Bells Ringing."
P.S. Her favorite song. hahahaha

Steven attempting to play the saw. Key word: Attepmting. But hey! he did a pretty good job at squeking out a few notes! :) Ask Dane to play if you want to hear someone on a better level!

Have a good rest of your weekend!

P.S Bonnie Wannamaker is coming on MONDAY! I'm. so. excited.

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