Saturday, June 18

Lea and Aaron...few of Nathan and Drew

You know, its awful hard taking pictures of kids who don't want you to take their pictures. (THAT would be Nathan and Drew) Drew normally is a happy kid, smiles and laughs a lot. BUT, when you put the camera in front of him the kid goes all solemn. Then your sitting their for  563452345 minutes,*kidding* it sure feels like it though, going, comee! be a good boy! comeee onnnnn. SMILE. Nathan on the other hand, just refuses to act normal in pictures. After a while, you give the kid what he wants, let him play. *sigh...* Lea and Aaron however--perfect kids to take pictures of. :) So, here are a few pictures of EVERYONE and than just Lea and Aaron.

So apparently  the grass was itching their eyes. Really? I think the grass is BEHIND your head. not in your eyes. Whatever. Boys will be boys.
Thats the last I managed getting pictures with Nathan and Drew in them. Here are the Lea and Aaron photos!
I TRIED to get them just glaring at eachother. Didn't work out so swell. But I still like this picture.
Epic Failure.
They SORTA managed it. Key word. Sorta.
 If your wondering what Lea's shirt says it says, "You can agree with me or You can be Wrong." It originally was MY shirt. Never got worn. Heh.
And thats the end. :)

Happy Saturday! :)

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